Monday, May 18, 2020
Relationship Between Female And Female - 1074 Words
Leading all the way from the seventeenth to nineteenth century, essentialism and determinism lead to assumptions made by society, in which many of these assumptions are the gender roles women have taken on, contracting those male take and stay away from due to reasoning behind human nature. â€Å"Outside the law courts, in gender relations, assumptions are often held as if there were an essentialist â€Å"nature†distinguishing men and women and that they have separate needs based on their biology†(30). Meaning any distinguishes made between male and female are all treated as part of ‘nature’ and they are different in multiple aspects in society and how they act due to their differentiated biological makeup. It is a reductionist way of thinking and explaining that females are meant to greatly differ from males because that is just how nature has set it up and will always be. Society has reasoned social roles behind biological roles and tried to play off t he essentialism behind it by disguising it and justifying it as just part of simple nature. Something that cannot be changed, in which it has demonstrated a deterministic way of living. Males and females were meant to be different from one another, to take on roles that fir to them as society has defines so. Ultimately females must act according to their biological and social schema or they are considered to be breaking from the essential manner nature has established. In Kaplan’s and Rogers’ article Essentialism and DeterminismShow MoreRelatedRelationship Between Female And Female Relationships Essay1949 Words  | 8 Pagesdifferent types of relationships. Men of the Heian period had multiple women for these types of relationships during the same time. Married couples throughout this time usually did not live in a house of their own, or even together for that matter. 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